What is Law regarding Acid Attack in India?

Acid attacks are a form of violence that cause severe physical and psychological harm to the victims. In India, acid attacks have been on the rise, and it is crucial to understand the legal framework in place to combat this heinous crime. In this post, we’ll delve into the laws and regulations surrounding acid attacks in India and the measures being taken to protect victims.

History of Acid Attack Laws in India

The first law specifically addressing acid attacks was introduced in 2013 as an amendment to the Indian Penal Code. This amendment recognized acid attacks as a separate offense and prescribed stricter punishment for perpetrators. Additionally, the amendment also made it mandatory for hospitals to report all cases of acid attacks to the police.

In 2018, the Supreme Court of India issued guidelines to regulate the sale of acids, making it necessary for individuals to produce identification and reason for purchase. This was aimed at curbing the ease with which acid could be obtained and used for malicious purposes.

What Constitutes an Acid Attack in India?

As per the Indian Penal Code, an acid attack is defined as an act of throwing or administering acid or a similar substance, with the intention to cause permanent or partial damage to, or disfigurement of, the body or face of a person.

Punishment for Acid Attacks in India

The punishment for acid attacks in India is severe, with perpetrators facing imprisonment for a term ranging from 10 years to life, along with a fine. In cases where the victim dies due to the attack, the perpetrator can face the death penalty.

Legal Assistance and Support for Acid Attack Victims in India

The Indian government has taken several measures to provide legal assistance and support to acid attack victims. The state provides free medical treatment and rehabilitation, including plastic surgery, to acid attack survivors. Additionally, the government has set up a compensation scheme for acid attack victims, which provides financial assistance to help them with their medical expenses and rehabilitation.


Acid attacks are a form of violence that cause immense physical and psychological harm to the victims. The laws and regulations in place in India aim to combat this heinous crime and provide support and justice to acid attack survivors. However, much still needs to be done to ensure that the legal framework is effectively implemented and that perpetrators are brought to justice.

In conclusion, it is essential to raise awareness about the acid attack laws in India and to educate the public about the measures in place to protect victims. We must work together to eliminate acid violence and provide support to those affected by this brutal crime.

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